
Gender and Inclusivity

Centre for Social Justice > Programmes > Gender and Inclusivity

The Gender and Inclusivity Programme (GIP) seeks to engage governance frameworks for the mainstreaming of gender and vulnerability in the plans, policies and budget continuum. GIP uses action research, advocacy, capacity building, networking and strategic engagements to deliver on its mandate.

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The Gender and Inclusivity Programme (GIP) seeks to engage governance frameworks for the mainstreaming of gender and vulnerability in the plans, policies and budget continuum

Its key projects include:

  • Gender Responsive Budgeting which works for a gender aware approach to economic policies including budgeting, fiscal and monetary policies and state supported social and livelihood opportunities.
  • Sexual and Gender Based Violence engagements that tackles the root cause(s) of gender-based violence through law and policy advocacy.
  • Agriculture and the right to food which engages the basis right to feed oneself, productivity gains and reduction of drudgery in farming, equal opportunities and access to land, farm equipment and implements, seeds, fertilisers, etc. especially for Small Scale Women Farmers.
  • Constitutional, legal and political reforms.
  • Defence of the rights of women and vulnerable groups.