
2024 Nasarawa Agric Budget Pullout for SWOFON

Centre for Social Justice > Gender and Inclusivity > Agriculture and Food > 2024 Nasarawa Agric Budget Pullout for SWOFON

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Budgets are crafted and approved for the objective of implementing policies and plans. Ultimately, the budget is meant to touch lives, improve livelihoods, promote a higher standard of living, grow the economy and enhance development. For this to happen, policy makers in the executive and legislature, citizens, businesses, households, communities and their organisations need to collaborate to prepare as well as to implement the budget. But the beginning point in implementation is citizen’s access to information on what has been provided in the budget. Budget projects have designated beneficiaries and the proposed beneficiaries need to know the specific provisions and the qualifying criteria to become an actual beneficiary of public interventions.

This Pull Out is produced to provide information to Small Scale Women Farmers of Nigeria (SWOFON) of provisions in the 2024 Nasarawa State Budget containing projects which may be of interest and of benefit to them. This Pull Out therefore serves a couple of purposes. Beyond providing information, it will assist women farmers to hold relevant MDAs to account for the expenditure of state resources. It is also an empowering tool, an advocacy tool based on empirical evidence that tells women farmers of the possibility of engaging MDAs at the budget preparation stage so that their voices can be heard in specific projects that will improve their productivity. It is a call for the full release of budgeted votes and the full utilization of all released votes specifically targeted at Small Scale Women Farmers.

Small Scale Women Farmers Organization in Nigeria (SWOFON) in collaboration with Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) and the SPARK II Project of the International Budget Partnership presents this Pull Out as a tool for strategic engagement of the 2024 Nasarawa State Agriculture Budget. The projects herein captured are pull outs from the state budget; they include capital projects from the State Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources; College of Agriculture, Science and Technology, Lafia; Nasarawa Agricultural Development Programme (NADP); Nasarawa State Fadama Coordinating Office, as well as related projects from extra MDAs of the State.

2024 Nasarawa Agric Budget Pullout for SWOFON.pdf (77 downloads )