The budget is a legal instrument for the delivery of government’s intentions to its people. The budget document, and by extension the annual audit report of government, are really ‘the people’s documents. They are meant to provide a binding statement of intent and an accountability instrument to citizens of government’s stewardship.
Often though, these documents are long, convoluted and complicated to understand. They do not lend themselves easily to lay readers. It is imperative though that citizens have access to this information in a clear and intelligible manner. This will increase understanding, promote engagement, encourage greater citizen monitoring, and provide information that engenders informed and incisive questioning – all aimed at improving
the budget process and budget performance. This will in turn improve government performance, increase effective service delivery, and strengthen the trust between citizens and the state that deepen our democratic process and entrench accountable governance processes.
A key component of the budget is the Capital Budget – which provides the resources to achieve key existing, on-going as well as new projects. Through a greater understanding of this, citizens are better able to see how government’s resources are being deployed, advocate for the completion of abandoned capital projects and support the process of avoiding duplication, as well as connect with the tangible efforts of government to deliver services.
We strongly recommend this 2023 Education Capital Budget Pull-Out as a key reader for the range of interested actors at local and state levels who wish to engage responsibly in the budget.
Eze Onyekpere, Esq
Lead Director
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