This Policy Brief engaged the Sokoto State Health Insurance Scheme with the objective of providing policy recommendations to increase health insurance care coverage in the State. The first section discussed the concept of health insurance and its various forms while the second section discussed Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and its components. In the third section, the study established a link between health insurance coverage and UHC as the former is a tool for attaining the latter. Section four discussed the arguments for compulsory health insurance to include achieving UHC, financial risk protection, equity in health care financing, realization of the minim core obligation on the right to health, etc.
In section 5, the study reviewed the key provisions in the law setting up SOCHEMA and section 6 analyzed the linkage between the new National Health Insurance Authority Act (NHIA) and the law setting up SOCHEMA. In the penultimate section, it draws conclusions from the earlier sections. The eight section is the strategies and recommendations for improving health insurance coverage in Sokoto which are summarized as follows
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