Press Releases

Request for Expression of Interest: Consultant to Co-Produce Civil Society Engagement Manual on Anti-Corruption

Centre for Social Justice > Press Releases > Request for Expression of Interest: Consultant to Co-Produce Civil Society Engagement Manual on Anti-Corruption

Request for Expression of Interest: Consultant to Co-Produce Civil Society Engagement Manual on Anti-Corruption

  • Posted by: Center for Social Justice

Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) with the support of the European Union Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption Project RoLAC 2 is implementing a program on “Improving the Effectiveness of Anti-Corruption Processes and Reforms in Nigeria”. The goal of the project is to contribute to increased effectiveness of anti-corruption laws, policies, interventions and strategies for the entrenchment of reforms at national and subnational levels. This would lead to increased compliance with anti-corruption laws. Anti-corruption laws and policies are not an end in themselves but they are expected to lead to systemic change, enhanced compliance and behavioural change in society, making it possible for increased prevention of corruption, corrective action in individual cases, detection and prosecution of offenders and to make more difficult, future breaches of the law.

 A key activity in the program is the preparation of a Manual for Civil Society Engagement of Anti-Corruption Mechanisms. CSJ seeks expression of interest from qualified consultants to co-develop an Engagement Manual on Civil Society Anti-Corruption Intervention Strategies.  The activity will involve research and deskwork to review and document key facets of anti-corruption work involving different Anti-Corruption Agencies (ACAs), their mandate, enabling law and policy frameworks, to identify niches for civil society intervention to strengthen official measures. It will respond to questions like “what”, “why”, “how”, “when” etc., of the Civil Society interventions.

General Terms of reference include

v  Deskwork to review and document major national, regional and international anti-corruption standards and mechanisms and opportunities for Civil Society intervention.

v  Consult with Anti-Corruption Agencies, Civil Society Organizations to identify gaps in interventions.

v  Deploy a rapid capacity assessment questionnaire and online discussions with prospective cluster members to understand capacity deficits.

v  Work with the Project Director to develop an Anti-Corruption engagement and training module for CSOs.

Specific Terms of Reference include

v  Develop questionnaires that highlights specific questions on anti-corruption gaps to elicit responses for strengthen capacities in civil society. 

v  Produce an engagement manual that highlights basic concepts, laws and policies against corruption and provides a framework for CSO engagement in anti-corruption mechanisms in Nigeria

v  Produce a draft engagement manual that shows good and fit practices for reducing corruption by the key ACAs and highlight strategies for CSOs intervention across the anti-corruption ecosystem.

v  Co-facilitate two-day training of CSOs on the application of the Manual.

Key Deliverable

v  Anti-Corruption Engagement Manual

Performance Period

v  A total of thirteen working days for manual development and training across the states

Professional Qualification

The consultant must have not less than 10 years’ experience in anti-corruption and governance sector work.  The consultant must be able to show proof that he has worked on similar assignments in the past and demonstrate skills, competence and capacity to undertake the assignment. 

Academic Qualification

A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Law, Social Sciences or any other discipline related to the task is required. Professional certifications in any related discipline would be an added advantage.

Method of Application

Interested Consultants should send their expression of interest to the following e-mail; alongside their CVs. The EOI should include detailed qualifications (including copies of relevant certificates) and a one-page statement of the consultants understanding of the assignment and how s\he intends to proceed with the work.


EOIs should reach CSJ within one week from the date of this Request for EOI.

Author: Center for Social Justice

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