
Women farmers and the 2021 federal budget

  • Posted by: Eze Onyekpere

Agriculture is a key growth driver for the Nigerian economy. It contributed 23.92% of the GDP in the second quarter of 2020. It is important for food security, job creation, provision of raw materials to industries and improved rural and urban livelihoods. Increased agriculture output will facilitate the conservation of foreign exchange as Nigeria’s food imports will decrease and thereby put less pressure on the value of the Naira.

The share of informal sector agriculture GDP is 91.8% as against 8.2% from the formal sector. This may account for its low contribution to public revenue, especially taxes. Nigeria has over 84 million hectares of arable land, out of which only 40% is cultivated. Thus, there is room to deploy more human, fiscal, information, technology and ecological resources to cultivate the 60% uncultivated land. There is also room to take steps to formalise the 91.8% informal sector agriculture to position it for public and private sector driven agriculture service delivery – including seeds, fertilisers, equipment, extension services, access to credit, etc. This will also improve its contribution to taxation, job creation and overall economic growth.

Women constitute 49% of Nigeria’s population and they carry out about 80% of agricultural production, 60% of agricultural processing activities and 50% of animal husbandry and related activities; yet, women have access to less than 20% of agricultural assets. Thus, a majority of farmers in Nigeria are women and they are Small Scale Women Farmers. Considering that the socially and culturally constructed roles for women and men, boys and girls in agriculture provides unequal opportunities, life chances and value accretion and leads to gender inequity – unfair and unjust distribution of benefits and responsibilities between men and women – tilted against women, it is imperative that budgets are crafted with this recognition and not as gender blind/neutral documentation which fails to recognize existing differences and challenges.

The foregoing position for gender aware agriculture budgeting is supported by a plethora of binding national and international standards including the Sustainable Development Goals 1, 2, 5, 9, and 13; Article 11 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women; the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action; the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women in Africa. Others are the African Union Gender Policy and the African Union Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa; the Maputo Declaration reaffirmed in the Malabo Declaration where African Heads of States and Governments committed to a minimum of 10% yearly budget investment in agriculture; the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999; the Green Alternative;Nigeria’s Gender Policy and the National Gender Policy in Agriculture.

The mandate of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is broad and deep enough to take cognisance of gender inclusivity in its budgeting process. Its mandate of ensuring food security in crop, livestock and fisheries, stimulate agricultural employment and services, promote the production and supply of raw materials to agro industries, provide markets for the products of the industrial sector, generate foreign exchange and aid rural socio-economic development cannot be achieved without providing equal opportunities to Nigerian women, especially the small scale women farmers. By excluding women, the Ministry is currently working with half of its extant capacity.

The proposal for the FMARD at N179.4bn, being 1.37% of the overall budget proposal, is grossly inadequate. This is far below the Maputo and Malabo commitments of the FGN. The total sum targeting women farmers in the FMARD’s proposal is N2.411billion, which is just 2.18% of the overall capital vote of the Ministry. Other Ministries, Departments and Agencies that made provisions for women farmers include the Ministries of Women Affairs, Water Resources, Labour and Employment, Science and Technology, Trade and Investment, Niger Delta Affairs and Secretary to the Government of the Federation. The total sum provided by these MDAs for women farmers is N1.113billion. This brings the total vote targeted at women farmers to N3.524bn.

This is paltry and needs to be increased considering that women constitute half of the population and have numerical superiority in agricultural production, processing, forestry, aquaculture and animal husbandry. In recognition of the socially and culturally constructed roles for women and men which limits women’s access to resource support, budgets must specifically target women and consider affirmative action votes in deserving cases to move women towards equality and equity. The votes in the estimates appear to be an afterthought, not the product of conscious targeted gender responsive estimates which recognise the fundamental obligation to mainstream the concerns of all members of the Nigerian family – women and men into the budgeting process.

The estimates are filled with big sums of money without specifics and enough details and if no clarity is provided, Nigerians would be in the dark as to what the votes to those line items are meant for. Such lump sum provisions create a background for easy mismanagement of allocated funds. Also, most of the allocations and projects have no specific location(s). There is nothing on the state, local government or exact site of the investments to enable a follow through by the public.

It is recommended that the allocation to agriculture as a key growth driver of the Nigerian economy should be increased to not less than 50% of the Malabo/Maputo commitment of 10% of the overall budget. This means five per cent of the overall budget which comes up to N654.121bn. There is a need to rework the budget in accordance with the policy, plan budget continuum to reflect the full implementation of the Nigerian Gender Policy and the National Gender Policy in Agriculture and other applicable national and international standards.The budget should take cognisance of the need for affirmative action and target not less than 30% of the FMARD’s vote to women especially small scale women farmers. This would come up to N196.236bn.

Accordingly, the budget should provide for gender friendly machinery and equipment such as hand sprayers, power tillers, ploughs, planters etc., especially low cost and locally fabricated equipment which can be easily maintained by local artisans. N5bn deployed to this line item at an average cost N250,000 each will fetch 20,000 units. Also, improved seeds/seedlings, fertilisers, pesticides, feeds, animal stock, storage facilities, rural road networks, irrigation facilities, extension services including meteorological information through various platforms including print and electronic media especially radio and television as well as digital media and training of trainers.

Furthermore, the budget should promote climate-smart agriculture through the mainstreaming of organic farming, organic fertilisers, resilience building and adaptation. Provisions should be made for small scale processing equipment for products preservation and value addition as well as capacity building to minimise post-harvest losses. In all the foregoing, there should be the promotion of the concentric circle of local content in provisioning of goods, services and construction considering that procurement options are most of the time crafted into the budget. There is a need for collaboration among the federal, state and local governments. This is key for improved extension service provision because farming is a local job done in specific states and localities in far-flung places beyond the Federal Capital Territory base of the FMARD

Author: Eze Onyekpere

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